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RPKI Validation

Resource Public Key Infrastructure is a system to verify that an ASN is authorized to originate a route. RPKI works in 3 parts:

Signing a prefix involves publishing a Route Origin Authorization (ROA) for each prefix that you want to originate. ROAs contain the authorized origin ASN and a max length field to indicate how far disaggregation should be permitted. For example, you could create a ROA for your /22 permitting announcements up to /24.

Validation uses the chain of trust to verify that a ROA is valid.

Policy Enforcement uses Validated ROA Payloads (VRPs) to influence routing decisions. These are typically distributed from the validator(s) to routers using the RTR (RPKI to Router) protocol.

The global rtr-server option in Pathvector specifies the RTR server for the router. Enable filter-rpki to filter RPKI invalid routes on a peer. The strict-rpki option filters prefixes that are not covered by a RPKI ROA. This is potentially dangerous as a large portion of the Internet does not have covering ROAs.